Sweet Tea Brined Sous Vided Pork Tenderloin

Pork 8

There probably isn't anything more southern than sweet tea. In high school, I worked at a restaurant that literally made large garbage can sized batches daily. The servers would swing into the kitchen and dunk a pitcher to keep the endless refills flowing! One of the culture shocks I experienced when moving away from the south was the lack of sweet tea elsewhere. Sure, you can order an iced tea and doctor it up with a packet of sweetener, but it just isn't quite the same. If you come to visit me, you can pretty much bet on being offered a glass of sweet tea (or honey lemonade).

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Pickled Green Tomatoes


 In northeast Ohio, the growing season is much shorter than what I am used to from the south. However, this year has been unseasonably warm and my garden tomatoes have been chugging along. While this extended warm weather has been beautiful, I have to face the music and accept that the cold weather will be coming on soon. After taking a look at the forecast for the week, I knew I had to do something with the last of my green tomatoes. 

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Grilled Peaches with Basil & Goat Cheese


Peach season always takes me back to fond memories of my grandmother, a favorite of which being when we went peach picking! My grandmother never got her driver's license, but her friend would drive over in her bouncy old pick-up truck and the three of us would pile in and head out to the orchards. I would just about eat myself sick on peaches while picking... it was glorious.

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